The Life Series

What does Jesus have to say about life? Come and join the Life Series to explore Jesus’ claims for yourself. Over four Saturday late mornings in February and March 2025, enjoy deep and meaningful discussions about faith and life in a safe environment. And better yet? Free brunch is provided for all attendees. There will also be free childminding by our experienced volunteers who hold a current Working with Children’s Check. Registration via the form below is required for the Life Series.


When and where is the Life Series? And what topics will each session cover?

The Life Series will be on the following Saturdays between 11AM - 1PM: 

  • 15th February 2025 (topic: What is a successful life?)

  • 22nd February 2025 (topic: What is wrong with the world today?)

  • 1st March 2025 (topic: What can God offer me?)

  • 8th March 2025 (topic: What does God want from me?)

The Life Series will be held at Wattle Park Chapel hall (234 Elgar Road, Box Hill South; Onsite parking available via Milton Crescent)

What can I expect when I attend the Life Series? 

A typical Life Series session will look like the following: 

  • Brunch and getting to know those on your table (about 45 minutes - 1 hour). Expect about 4-6 people on each table. (Don’t worry if you feel shy, we will make sure you sit with the friend who invited you. And if you don’t know anyone, we will make sure you sit next to someone friendly!)

  • This is followed by a short discussion question to help us think about the topic of the week (about 5 minutes).

  • This is then followed by a 10 minute talk about the topic of the week 

  • Finally, there will be some discussion questions for your table to go through (about 20 minutes). You can be assured that your opinions and thoughts are respected in the discussion group.

  • At the end of each session, there will be a short survey for you to fill in (about 5 minutes). We do this because we would love to know how to make this a better experience for you and everyone else in the future!

Do I have to attend all four sessions? 

To get the most out of the Life Series, it is encouraged that you attend all four sessions. However, we would hate for you to miss out and would love to have you at the Life Series, even if you can only commit to just one, or two, or three sessions.  

Do I need to be a Christian to attend the Life Series? 

Not at all. Everyone is welcome! Even if you don’t share the same faith background or don’t believe in God, we would love to see you at the Life Series and hear your thoughts about the four topics covered (see above).

What is the cost of the Life Series? 

Everything is free. Just bring yourself and your friend to come along.

What if I have catering requirements?

When you register for the Life Series with the form below, there will be a dietary requirements section for you to fill in.

If I were to bring my child(ren) to come along, how does childminding work?

Upon arrival, sign in your children and they will be looked after by our experienced volunteers who have a current Working with Children’s Check. They are also further trained to ensure that they meet the safe ministry requirements. During the childminding session, you can expect some storytelling, activities and craft that are suitable for your children.

How do I sign up for the Life Series? 

We are so excited that you are signing up for the Life Series. You can register for the Life Series using the form below. If you are attending with a friend, you can also sign up on your friend’s behalf.

Register for the Life Series using the form below: