Giving financially is an opportunity to partner in gospel work at our church and around the world.
Giving to Church
You can give electronically via online banking:
Name: Grace Christian Community
BSB: 032036
Account No: 260687
Giving to our Apprentices
Support our apprentices doing MTS (Ministry Training Strategy).
Click on each image to find out more about their story.
When giving to Jascie, please do so via the MTS website.
When giving to Ian or Ulla, please use the GCC banking details above, leaving a reference of either “IanMTS” or “UllaMTS”.
Giving to the Grace Care Fund
You can give electronically via online banking:
Name: Care Fund Account
BSB: 033089
Account No: 665834
We recognise and celebrate equal sacrifice, not equal giving. Some will be giving comparatively bigger or smaller amounts, but it is the attitude of the heart that God honours and that we seek from you, not simply a pile of dollars. We recognise and celebrate that Christian generosity may be expressed outside the local church. As a church we seek neither to restrict nor necessarily guide your outside giving. As a principle we would suggest that your giving find it’s place in the local church first and then in whatever places you feel led. From time to time we may have a special project that you might like to contribute to. Our medium term goal will be to give 10% of our church income to mission beyond us.
In the Old Testament, God called His people to show their honour to Him by giving 10%.
In the New Testament, Paul exhorts the local church that it is their responsibility to support those who minister the gospel to them.
We are further challenged in the New Testament that the goal in monetary matters is to live our sacrificial Christian generosity. Here there’s no limit!